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Case Study

Free your mind

How to clear your mind when you've been emotionally triggered 

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About Free your mind

"Free Your Mind" is a highly-tested, guided self-coaching process that helps us get rid of stressful thoughts and feelings and clear our minds when we have been emotionally triggered. It is especially helpful when our thoughts keep revolving around one topic and we have trouble switching off or focusing on something else. Those who have gone through the process are likely to feel clearer and more confident. 



How do I digitize a "paper and pencil" self-coaching tool that has been continually tweaked over many years, so that even those people who DON'T like to write can get help when they are emotionally triggered? 



  1. Digitize the "Free Your Mind" self-coaching tool 

  2. Testing with test users and adjusting details 

  3. Roll out and develop a broad audience for the tool

The solution

"Free Your Mind" is a self-coaching tool that helps us regain our inner balance when we have been emotionally triggered. We are not at the mercy of our moods, but can influence them. However, this requires that we are willing to take responsibility for our emotional state and to perceive our thoughts and feelings and regulate them through an inner dialogue. With the help of the chatbot "Pandu", this inner dialogue is facilitated and the user gains more and more clarity and confidence in a playful way.  

The process

1. Silvia has developed a variety of her own coaching tools that can be considered for digitization. Therefore, before digitization, there was a selection and finally recombination of the elements for the best possible digital coaching result.
2. a prototype was created from a paper template for the requirements workshop and then jointly optimized.
3. in the process, a custom avatar with its own tonality was developed, as Silvia is a very experienced coach and maintains her own coaching style, which should be reflected in the chatbot.
4. a series of user tests were conducted to test what clients prefer: a version very close to the paper template or a version more closely aligned with chatbot practice.
5. beta version for a larger "friendly user" round.
6. delivery and live operation

Translated with 

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What coachees say about Free your mind

I think it is brilliant!

There's something relieving about doing the process with the chatbot... at my pace and I'm not distracted by mirroring from the coach.

It has brought me quite a lot - really amazing.

I was surprised how so few questions led me well to what it is really about.

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Pandu has helped me get more in touch with myself and my needs again.

Sonja Gäng, ICF Business Coach (ACC) | Mental- und Lachyoga-Trainerin

Why I like working with evoach

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"Because the people at evoach not only understand IT, but also coaching. And I can be sure that they don't just digitalize my tools somehow, but also think about what could be really helpful in practice. I'm already looking forward to further collaboration!"

Silvia Richter-Kaupp

Business Coach​

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