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Chatbotize your Client Worksheets Session

Together, we´ll convert your first worksheet into a chatbot to instantly use with your clients.

If you send your clients .pdf Worksheets or whole Workbooks, we invite you for two hour session to turn them into coaching chatbots.

Maybe you use worksheets to

  • Check fit between coach and coachee in the sales process

  • Assess coaching topics and clarify concerns before a session

  • Bring your clients into reflection mode

  • Practice new behavior after a session

  • Check in after a successful coaching process to see if your clients has new topic

We want you to get startet updating your coaching collateral. At the end of this session, you will leave with at least one ready to use coaching chatbot and enough good coaching chatbot practice to create more on your own. 




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Co-CEO/CFO of evoach

"I am a B2B, SaaS and Platform entrepreneur and business developer. Since building evoach since 2019, I became an expert in #CoachingTech and #DigitalCoaching!"

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